Home > Education > CE Information CE Credits | CE Transcript | Learning Objectives | Recognition Statement | Disclosures | CE Disclaimer Deadline to Claim CE: August 18CE CreditsHow to Claim CEAll CE certificates are issued through OSAP's Dental Infection Prevention & Safety CE Center. Live CE hours are provided for all sessions viewed during their original scheduled time, May 31 - June 3, 2023. To claim credits, you must enter the CE Code and complete an evaluation for each session. To officially claim your CE online, follow these steps:
Self-Study CE Credits Educational Method: Lecture, discussion, and case presentations OSAP Annual Conference
*Total includes the Pre-Conference Workshop. CE TranscriptOnce you have claimed your CE credits, you can follow these steps to access your CE Transcript.
Learning ObjectivesPre-Conference Workshop
OSAP Annual Conference
Recognition Statement
OSAP is an ADA Continuing Education Recognition Program (CERP) Provider. ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry. Concerns or complaints about a CE provider may be directed to the provider or to the Commission for Continuing Education Provider Recognition at ADA.org/CERP. Please email the OSAP office at [email protected] or call +1 (410) 571-0003 if you wish to be in contact with the course author/creator(s) with any questions or for clarification of course concepts. Learn more about OSAP’s CE Program & Provider Recognition. DisclosuresAll participating faculty are expected to disclose to the audience any significant financial interest or other relationship with:
Planning Committee DisclosuresMatthew R. Ellis, MPH, CIC, CDIPC, REHS (Co-Chair) Michele L. Lash, RDH, BA (Co-Chair) Adam Burr, DDS Bryan Christensen, PhD, MEPC, CIH Karen K. Daw, MBA, CECM, CDIPC Kathy Eklund, RDH, MPH Mary M. Govoni, CDA, RDH, MBA Grace Huang, MBA Julie Lynch MS, BSN, RN Shannon E Mills, DDS Oral Healthcare Consulting Disclosure: No relevant financial relationships to disclose Jill Moore, EdD, MHA, BSDH, RDH Joyce A. Moore, RDH, BSDH, CRCST, CDIPC, DISIPC Patricia A. Podolak, DDS, MPH Jen Hawley Price, MS, MAS Ramneek Rai, DDS Michelle Strange, MSDH, RDH, CDIPC CE DisclaimerThe 2023 OSAP Annual Conference is planned and presented by the 2023 OSAP Annual Conference Planning Committee to provide participants with a relevant and rewarding continuing educational experience. However, neither the content of a course nor the use of specific products in lectures or workshops should be construed as indicating endorsement or approval by OSAP of the views presented or the products used. Speakers and authors of CE activities are required to present a balanced view of therapeutic options, use generic names of products whenever possible, use images that have not been falsified or misrepresent the outcome of treatment, and refrain from marketing or promoting any products or commercial services. Speakers and authors are required to include peer-reviewed content supported by generally accepted scientific principles or methods that can be substantiated or supported with peer-reviewed scientific literature that is relevant and current. Speakers and authors must support clinical recommendations with references from the scientific literature, with a sound scientific basis, whenever possible. Speakers and authors of CE activities are required to disclose to participants any financial, commercial, or promotional interest in a product or company that may influence their presentations. However, OSAP shall not be liable for a speaker's failure to disclose such interest. Please be advised that courses, speakers, or schedules may change without notice. |