Home > Education > Digital Badge & Certificate of Attendance

Digital Badge & Certificate of Attendance

To recognize your participation, you will receive a digital badge and an online certificate of attendance*. You can use these to:

  • Provide employers and others within your network with easy, valid verification of your attendance; and
  • Easily share your attendance to LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter, via email, embedded in a website, or print off and hang in your office!

*Note – the certificate verifies attendance; it does not verify the extent of participation or CE credits earned. If you need CE, you will need to follow the instructions to claim CE

Click here to see past digital badges and certificates.

How Do I Receive My Certificate of Attendance and Digital Badge?

Participants will be emailed a notification by June 16, which will contain a link to the platform to create an account and “accept” your badge. If you miss the email (check your junk/spam), and/or follow these steps:

  1. Go to www.credential.net
  2. Click Retrieve a Credential